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Trinity Force L-E STOCK KIT (BLACK)

Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $41.99.

  • Adjustable Stock
  • 6-Position Carbine Buffer Tube
  • Buffer Tube Spring
  • Recoil Buffer
  • Castle Nut
  • End Plate


The L-E stock was designed to conform with design parameters for the standard LE style stock found on most Law Enforcement and stock builds. This stock will fit with a Mil-Spec buffer tube and features a quick-adjust grip lever and multiple sling mounts. The stock kit comes with everything you need to get your rifle up and running including a steel endplate, castle nut, buffer, buffer spring, and a Mil-Spec anodized aluminum buffer tube. The lightweight construction will ensure that your rifle stays agile and the stock’s ergonomics will augment comfort and efficiency while shooting. For your safety, Trinity Force recommends this part be installed by a competent, qualified gunsmith/installer with an understanding of the weapon platform that the part is being installed on. Always make sure the firearm is unloaded and pointed in a safe direction when working.

  • Adjustable Stock
  • 6-Position Carbine Buffer Tube
  • Buffer Tube Spring
  • Recoil Buffer
  • Castle Nut
  • End Plate